Videolezione: Will and Shall. Decisions, offers, suggestions and promises

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Descrizione della lezione
Una video lezione super efficace riguardo il Future Simple in inglese (will e shall) per un livello pre-intermedio A2. Vuoi sapere come parlare di decisioni prese nel momento in cui stai parlando? In questa video lezione imparerai come fare delle offerte, delle proposte e promesse con l'aiuto di will e shall. Premi play e inizia ad imparare subito!

A super effective video lesson about the Future Simple tense in English (will and shall) in English for A2 pre-intermediate level. Do you want to know how you can talk about decisions made at the moment of speaking? In this video lesson you will learn how to make offers, suggestions and promises with the help of will and shall. Press play and start learning now!
Grammar and Vocabulary
Parole chiave:
will, shall, offers, suggestions, promise, be going to, future, grammar, pre-intermediate

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