Videolezione: Musical instruments. Present Continuous. Review

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Descrizione della lezione
Una video lezione super utile sul Present Continuous e i diversi strumenti musicali in inglese per un livello pre-intermedio A2. Come puoi usare il Present Continuous per parlare di ciò che vedi in una foto? In questo video imparerai quando e come usare il Present Continuous e qualche nuovo strumento musicale. Clicca play e imparerai tutto in pochi minuti!

An extremely useful video lesson about the Present Continuous tense and different musical instruments in English for A2 pre-intermediate level. How can you use Present Continuous to talk about what you see in the pictures? In this video you will learn when to use and how to form Present Continuous and learn some new musical instruments. Press play and you’ll learn all this in just a few minutes!
Grammar and Vocabulary
Parole chiave:
music, musical instruments, present continuous, pre-intermediate

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